Even though B2B emails are being used on a daily basis, composing one that is of high quality is no easy task. Below are 4 tips for writing the best B2B emails:

Your Email Should Be Easy to Scan

The emails you send must be easy to scan

One research conducted revealed that 54% of all emails are opened on mobile devices. This means that these emails appear much bigger and impressive than they do on PCs and laptops. Knowing that enables marketers to tailor the emails to mobile devices by making images easy to scan, not using a lot of images (lest they end up distracting readers’ attention from the remaining text since they take up a lot of space), among others. Moreover, what’s even more critical is that your emails’ texts should be easy to scan as well.

Utilize lists, short paragraphs, captivating subheadings, among others. Format your content very well and make sure that your readers will comprehend the meaning of the email even if they go through it hurriedly.

Your Subject Line Has to be Powerful

For most busy people, the subject line determines whether they will open an email or not

People nowadays receive numerous emails, possibly more than they could through without sacrificing their productivity. Therefore, it’s not a surprise to find that a majority choose to open an email based on the subject line. Findings from research revealed that 33% of individuals who receive emails open them after looking at the subject line only. It’s on this basis that you should concentrate on ensuring that the subject line is as powerful as it can be.

You cannot afford to make it weak. Even though the subject line still has to be brief and straight to the point, it has to engage the readers instantly, increase their curiosity, etc. Moreover, it has to relate to the contents of your letter, or else, the recipients will be a disappointed lot. You can learn a lot from going through an apa style cover page sample, you can get lots of them online!

Your Email Has to Persuade Your Target Audience to Act

Your email should include a call-to-action to compel them to open an email

You compose emails mostly because you need people to do something, for instance, purchase a good or service, use a discount, sign up for a trial version, etc. While your objective might be obvious, and easy to comprehend from the text of an email, some more emphasis is necessary. While your readers might be aware of what you want from them, they might still be reluctant to act unless they are encouraged.

That is why it is essential for your email to have a proper call-to-action, thus making it as encouraging and clear as possible. The ideal way to achieve this is to try to think like your target readers. Think about what you would need to read to act if you were them, and then tailor your call-to-action to this. Furthermore, it is also important to reveal to your readers that they need to make a decision as soon as possible (for instance an offer might expire). At times, they might want to act on something but could still hesitate, and your reminder is all is required to make a move.

Come Up With Relevant, Customer-Focused Content

You need to create content that is customer oriented

Your email newsletter is not meant for you. It is for your clients. You need to concentrate more on the things that your clients are interested in and less in your organization. Most people like articles that concentrate on ‘how to’ tips, actionable plans and best practices. To assist you to get started, below are examples of customer-focused email content:

    • Lists and tips – Offer actionable tips and lists with headlines that read like ‘6 steps to’ or ‘to 5 methods of’.

    • Problems and solutions – Find out the common problems that your clients encounter and offer solutions to them.

    • Industry news and trends – Write about emerging trends in your industry that will be beneficial to your customers.

    • Technological advancements – Notify your customers on how to take advantage of new technological advancements to be more efficient.

You can also write case studies of how others have enhanced their operations. Don’t forget to include actionable information that your clients can make use of to produce results.


There you go. The above are just but some of the techniques of writing the best B2b emails. Apply them to write the best emails!


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